terms-of-use-contract | Aumet Pharmacy Aumet Pharmacy

Pharmacy Contract       

1-Conditions for providing the service

  1. The subscription application submitted by the subscriber and the preamble to this agreement forms an integral part thereof and shall be read together with the other articles of the agreement.

  2. The subscriber acknowledges and undertakes under any circumstances not to allow the introduction of any viruses into the system, or any other code designed specifically to damage the system or disable the service or allow access or interfere with it or give the access code and system information to any competitor or commit any behavior that affects the service and the system in a negative or positive way.

  3. This contract is a service contract and is not considered in any way a license, partnership, merger and/or any relationship that is not indicated herein, and the relationship is limited to the limits and terms of the agreement.

  4. The use of (AUMET ERP ) is subject to approval of the terms of use and privacy policy published on the site. The company reserves the right to update the “Terms of Use” and “Privacy Policy” which are shown on the site at its sole discretion. The amended terms shall become effective as soon as they are published on the site, and the subscriber shall agree to the amendments in order to be able to benefit from the system, and the company will publish on time, taking into consideration that any modification in the terms of use or privacy policy will be done according to what is required by the development of the platform to keep pace with the rapid development in the world of information technology and to provide the best service to current and subsequent subscribers.

  5. The responsibility of the company is limited to entering the new opening balances with the subscriber, which starts from the date of subscription by signing this agreement, and it is not the responsibility of the service provider company to transfer the old historical data stored with the subscriber to its previous system before using the product (Aumet ERP)

  6. The company does its best within its possible ability to provide services continuously without interruption throughout the subscription period and by updating the data published on the site and ensuring its sufficiency, accuracy, and correctness.

  7. The use of (AUMET ERP) requires the availability of Internet service, and ensuring the availability of this service is the sole responsibility of the subscriber.

  8. Notwithstanding what stated in clause (6 and 7), the use of the published information and the features available on the site is the sole responsibility of the subscriber, so that the company is not responsible for any damage resulting from this use or for any error or deficiency in the information contained on the site.

  9. Neither party shall be liable to the other party for consequential, special, incidental or indirect losses incurred by any party.



Aumet may also provide remote training services so that the receiver of the service can use (AUMET ERP), unless otherwise provided in this agreement, the services provided by the Aumet to the subscriber or their representative are limited to the following:

1- Create and build an online account, including inventory and prices (if any), for customer products.
2- Launch, use, and manage the application's feature(s) and tool palette.
3- Activate and solve any problems related to the service.

3-Specifications for use of the username and password

  1. The subscription is activated through an electronic link sent to the subscriber via the email selected and authorized by the subscriber in the subscription application. This link allows the creation of the subscriber’s account information represented by (username and password), and the subscription date is the date of sending the indicated email regardless of the date on which the information was created and/or the account was directly used by the subscriber.

  2. The subscriber is solely responsible for registering, changing, and maintaining the username and password, and other data related to the service, and in case any leakage or theft of the user name or password, the company will do its best to help the user of the service to recover the username,  password, or other data related to the service, and thus it will not be responsible or bear any responsibility in case of misuse of the receiver of the service if this leads to the loss of any of that information.
  3. Updating the subscriber's data requires providing Aumet with the subscriber's name, mobile phone number, and e-mail as stated in the application, and the subscriber's commitment to the correctness of the information provided to activate the account shall be applied.
  4. Aumet has the right to ask the subscriber to periodically update the data and/or change the password in order to preserve the confidentiality and privacy of the subscriber's account information. In the event that the subscriber does not respond to the request, the company has the right to suspend the service temporarily until the password is changed.
  5. Subscription under the contract includes an exclusive personal use license of the subscriber, and is not transferable, traded, sold, shared and/or made available in any other way to non-subscriber. It is not permissible to enter AUMET ERP except by the identified subscriber with a special username and password, which may not be shared in any way with any other person. If the subscriber becomes aware that another person has used the subscriber’s password, the subscriber shall immediately inform Aumet and change it immediately. 

4-Taxes and government fees

The company is not responsible for any government fees and/or taxes, which shall be paid by the subscriber, and accordingly, each of the parties thereto must bear the taxes imposed on it according to the related legislation in force, and immediately upon subscribing to this service.

5-Additional obligations for both parties

  1. The service receiver owns all data about its customers and data about business transactions processed through the company’s products (“subscribers data.”). The service provider shall comply with all privacy laws applicable in the framework of collecting, storing, and using service receivers’ information.

  2. ِAumet acknowledges and undertakes the collection and analysis of subscribers data and any related information, at the level of compiling the de-identified information so that the data is completely anonymous.

  3. The subscriber shall allow Aumet to use this information for the purpose of improving and developing the service provided to it by the service provider company.

  4. Aumet shall, from time to time, provide updates and improvements to the company's software as appropriate in accordance with the provisions set forth in this contract.

  5. Aumet has the right to stop the service or terminate the subscription at its own will if it becomes aware of the subscriber's violation of the provisions clauses, without prejudice to any other rights granted to the company.

  6. Aumet is not responsible for any breach of the terms of this agreement if it is caused by the misuse of the system by (the subscriber), and the company is not responsible for the loss of stored information as a result of force majeure or a sudden accident.

  7. The subscriber is obligated to pay 50% of the fees upon signing the contract

  8. The activation date is the start of training and the billing date, by which the subscriber must complete the payment of fees to Aumet, regardless of the date of creation of the information of the subscribers account and/or any delay in using the account by the subscriber, so that the activation date does not exceed one month from the date of signing Contract

  9. The company is obligated to activate the subscription within a maximum period of two working days starting from the date of the total payment of the subscription fees. In all cases, the fees are not considered paid unless the subscriber submits a receipt that indicates the subscriber payment of fees according to the rules.

 6-Intellectual property and privacy terms

1- The hardware, software, programming language, all services, trademarks, copyrights, studies, reports, and electronic and geographical surveys are all owned by Aumet, and the company has the right to use information in general and data related to the service receiver for the purposes of improving the service, and the company has the right to use data related to the service receiver without disclosing the personal information of the service receiver and/or without leaving any indication of the name of the pharmacy and/or its owner and/or the pharmacy’s customers, only for the purposes of geographical survey of that information and providing studies related to products and  activities of the service receiver on the system/program geographically and spatially, generally for general studies.
2- Service receiver acknowledges that the company reserves all rights, title, and interest including, but not limited to, all copyrights, trademarks, trade secrets, patents, service trademarks, company’s trademarks, know-how, software updates or services. In general, copyright, studies, reports and information are all considered intellectual property of the company (the service provider) whether mentioned or not.
3- ِAumet acknowledges and undertakes maintaining the confidentiality of the Subscriber's information, including customer data and data related to the Subscriber's commercial transactions and maintained on the Platform.
4- The parties agree to maintain the confidentiality of all information of any of them (whether written or verbally communicated) obtained or received whether as a result of the discussions that led to the agreement being entered into, or obtained, received or received for the implementation of this agreement and that each of the parties will only use the Confidential Information in connection with the implementation of this Agreement and the provision of the Services and for no other purpose. This restriction will remain in effect after termination/expiration of this Agreement for a period of one year from the date of termination/expiration and will not apply to information that has become public domain unless the unauthorized disclosure is made by or on behalf of Aumet
5- ِ The company is bound by the privacy terms published on the platform through the following link:  https://erp.aumet.com/privacy-policy

 7-Compliance with applicable laws/and jurisdiction

1- The subscriber agrees by signing below to be bound by all the terms and conditions as stated above in addition to the provisions of using the company's commercial services mentioned above.
2- The service receiver shall comply with all laws and regulations that may apply to it, including keeping and paying all tax obligations.
3- The notices sent by the company by e-mail or through messages (sent through the site) are valid and acceptable legal notices and correspondence between the two parties. The addressee is considered notified from the day following the date of sending the notice.
4-   Jordanian law shall be the law applicable to the contract or any obligation or dispute related to it or arising from it based on the country the contract was signed in, and the Amman Courts - Palace of Justice shall be competent to adjudicate any dispute in Jordan (God forbid) arising between the two parties regarding this contract or its interpretation. Including non-contractual disputes.